Design Portfolio.

Instructional design as taken me to a variety of different industries where I've been able to create learning materials for newcomers to Canada, police officers in my hometown and skilled tradespeople across the country.

Math & Tech

Developing tech and digital literacy in the K-12 education system.


Guiding young tradespeople and experienced builders through a successful career in the building trades.


Helping our frontline officers engage with their community through learning and empathy.


Supporting prospective Canadians from all around the world in their journey demonstrate english proficiency.

Math & Technology (K-12).

As a STEM educator, I've worked with students in the K-12 system for my entire career. In my early career I taught secondary school students algorithms and basic programming using Java and HTML5. For K-7 learners I've taught students:

  • Graphic design skills using Photoshop
  • Architectural modeling using Google Sketchup & Minecraft Education
  • Film & Animation using iMovie & BrushNinja
  • Game design & Coding using Scratch & Minecraft Education

on both computers and iPads.

Skilled Tradespeople.

In my current role, I produce eLearning and classroom training for skilled tradespeople across Canada. Specializing in interactive learning I'm responsible for creating learning experiences that are immersive and engaging in topics such as:

  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Indigenous Awareness
  • Financial Literacy
  • Reading & Document Use
  • Red Seal Test Prep

These learning opportunities include scenario-based simulations, custom HTML5 interactions, and hand-crafted videos.

Vancouver Police Department.

Prior to my current role I worked at the Vancouver Police Department as a Curriculum Design Specialist. My primary commitments were to create effective eLearning & blended-learning courses to prepare officers for their duties. Examples of courses and programs I helped develop include:

  • Anti-Racism Training
  • Search & Canvass
  • Special Municipal Constable Program
  • Investigator Development Program
  • VPD Onboarding Program

English Language Learners.

Newcomers to Canada must show that they are proficient in speaking, reading, listening, and writing English and can take proficiency test to prove it. I worked with the creators of the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) to build study materials to maximize the test-takers' likelihood of success. This included prep guides, textbooks and webinars.

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